Auditing governance of wildland fire risks - the role of Supreme Audit Institutions

D. Luís Room
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM


The session will discuss: The role of SAIs, about the most common risks, shortcomes and recommendations concerning the governance and management of wildland fires.


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Helena Lopes
Member of the portuguese Court of Auditors


Supporting Documents / Presentations


Helena Abreu Lopes is a Member of the portuguese Court of Auditors since 2007. In that quality, she has been responsible for public procurement and public indebtment cases, several types of appeals, as well as financial, compliance and performance audits. At present, she is the reporting responsible Member for the audits of the Court concerning European funding, environment and natural resources. She has supervised some of the Court’s audits concerning wildland fire related issues. She has long been involved in international cooperation work with other supreme audit institutions (SAIs), international organisations and universities, notably within INTOSAI, EUROSAI, EU SAIs, Portuguese speaking SAIs, UN and OECD. This work has covered joint audit work, development of audit standards, preparation of audit guidance, institutional and capacity building activities, training and peer reviewing. She has organised, moderated and contributed to several conferences and seminars, in the areas of administrative and fiscal law, public finances, public audit, external control, fiscal liabilities and jurisdiction, integrity, anti-corruption and the audit of ethics.
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Maria dos Anjos Capote
Counselor Judge of the Court of Auditors


Supporting Documents / Presentations


Maria dos Anjos Capote Position held: Counselor Judge of the Court of Auditors (since 2017); Positions held: Non-executive Member of the Board of Directors of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A; Executive Member of the Board of Directors of Fundiestamo. SGFII, S.A; Securities Market Commission (CMVM); Member of the Board of Directors; Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Investor Compensation System (SII); Member of the National Audit Supervision Council (CNSA); Member of the Advisory Board of the Public Credit and Management Institute (IGCP); Member of the VII Constitutional Government Secretary of State for Treasury and Finance; Finance Ministry; Director General of the Treasury ( DGT); Chairman of the Financial Guarantees Board; Ministry of Finance General Inspectorate of Finance; Sub-Inspector General of Finance; Member of the Technical Council of the Technical Assistance Project to the Mozambican State within the framework of the Financial Administration reform; Academic Activities and participation in seminars; Lusíada University: Assistant with regency in Tax Law and responsible for different specialization courses in the tax area; Teaching activity and scientific coordination of postgraduate courses, in the tax area, in different higher institutions; Coordination and participation in several national and international conferences on matters related to public finance.
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Mário Serrano
Counselor Judge of the Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice


Supporting Documents / Presentations


Mário Mendes Serrano was born in Lisbon, graduated in Law and a career magistrate. He is currently Counselor Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, exercising functions, in permanent service commission, as Judge in the Court of Auditors of Portugal. In this Court, he is responsible for the Audit Department, which, in essence, carries out the financial control of entities with sovereign functions, which includes sovereign bodies (such as the Presidency of the Republic, the Assembly of the Republic and the Courts) and bodies that form part of the areas of National Defence, Justice, Foreign Affairs, and Internal Administration and Civil Protection. The Department's scope of action includes the control of entities that act in the field of combating forest and rural fires. Within the scope of that, and under the direction of her predecessor in the role, an audit was carried out to the special device for combating rural fires (DECIR). In addition to the exercise of functions as a judge, the performance, throughout his career, of related activities, such as training magistrates or participating, through communications or interventions, in seminars, colloquiums and similar meetings, in Portugal and abroad, on matters of civil, criminal or administrative law.
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Jonathan Dent
Assistant Director in GAO’s Natural Resources and Environment



Jonathan Dent is an Assistant Director in GAO’s Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) team. His work at GAO has focused on the federal government’s management of public lands, including numerous reviews of different aspects of wildland fire management. Before joining GAO, Jonathan’s federal service began as a park ranger at Grand Canyon National Park, where his public programs included discussions about fire ecology and the adoption of the 1995 Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy. He has also worked for the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.
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Cardell Johnson
Senior Executive in GAO’s Natural Resources and Environment


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Cardell Johnson is a Senior Executive in GAO’s Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) team. He oversees work on the federal government’s management of public lands and water resources, including wildland fire management, national parks and forests, mineral resources, coastal and marine resources, endangered species, water supply, and National Weather Service programs. Prior to joining GAO, Cardell served as the Director of Quality Assurance at USAID’s Office of the Inspector General. During his tenure at USAID OIG, he served as Chair of CIGIE’s Quality Assurance Working Group and led key efforts to identify and document good practices to assist the OIG community with improving their QA functions. Cardell also worked at the EPA as a senior budget analyst and Director for Performance Improvement in EPA’s Office of the Inspector General. Cardell earned a master’s degree in public administration from Indiana University–Bloomington, School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Cardell earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Alma College.
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Nikolaos Milionis
Member of the European Court of Auditors


Supporting Documents / Presentations


Nikolaos MILIONIS is a Member of the European Court of Auditors since the 1st of January 2014. As Member of Chamber I, he is responsible for audits in the area of the “Sustainable use of natural resources”. He was in charge of the special report no 24/2014 (Is EU support for preventing and restoring damage to forests caused by fire and natural disasters well managed?). He graduated from the Hellenic National School of Public Administration and entered the Hellenic Court of Audit as a First Instance Judge (Auditor) in 1989. He was appointed Appellate Judge (Conseiller Référendaire) in 1997, Councillor (Conseiller-Maître) in 2004 and Section President in 2011. He acquired a PhD in Public Finance Law in 1998 (University of Athens), writing his thesis on ‘The Institutional Role of the Hellenic Court of Audit’. He has taught at the Hellenic National School of Public Administration (1997-1998) and at the Hellenic National School for the Judiciary (1998-2012). He is the author of the book “Accountability and the European Union, The Financial Dimension” (Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2021, in Greek).
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Enriqueta Chicano Jávega
Tribunal de Cuentas



Es presidenta del Tribunal de Cuentas desde noviembre de 2021. Entre 2012 y 2021 ha sido consejera de cuentas del Departamento Segundo de Fiscalización y presidenta de la Comisión de Igualdad. Es Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha ocupado la Dirección General de Seguimiento de Iniciativas Parlamentarias del Ministerio de Relaciones con las Cortes y la Dirección General de Relaciones con el Senado en el Ministerio de la Presidencia. Ha sido representante del Ministerio de la Presidencia en la Comisión Interministerial para Asuntos de la, UE en la Comisión Delegada del Gobierno para la Política Autonómica, en la Comisión Interministerial de Negociaciones en la Organización Mundial del Comercio y en el Consejo Rector del Instituto de la Mujer. Además, ha sido miembro del Comité Nacional para la preparación de la IV Conferencia Mundial de las Mujeres, miembro de la Delegación Española en la Conferencia Regional Europea de Viena, en el 39ª Período de Sesiones de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer en Nueva York y en la IV Conferencia Mundial sobre las Mujeres en Beijing. Es Diplomada en Altos Estudios de la Defensa Nacional.
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Padua Zorrilla
Tribunal de Cuentas España



Es consejero del Departamento Quinto de las Comunidades Autónomas y Ciudades Autónomas desde noviembre de 2021. Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1985. Ese mismo año se colegió como abogado en el Ilustre Colegio de Madrid, comenzando su andadura como letrado independiente. Cursó estudios superiores de asesoría fiscal y contabilidad en el curso académico 1986/1987 en el Instituto de Empresa de Madrid, obteniendo el título de máster en Asesoría Fiscal de Empresas. En 1992 se incorpora al Ilustre Colegio de Abogados del Señorío de Bizkaia. En 1989 funda en Madrid el despacho Ortiz de Mendívil & Asociados desde el que ha ejercido como abogado procesalista y como abogado consultor y fiscalista hasta su nombramiento por el Senado como consejero del Tribunal de Cuentas en Noviembre de 2021. Como consejero del Departamento Quinto del Tribunal de Cuentas es presidente de la Comisión de Coordinación en el ámbito autonómico del Tribunal de Cuentas y los Órganos de Control Externo de las Comunidades Autónomas.
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Morillas Gómez Javier
Tribunal de Cuentas España


Supporting Documents / Presentations


Es consejero del Departamento Primero de los Servicios Públicos Básicos y de los Bienes Públicos de Carácter Preferente del Tribunal de Cuentas desde noviembre de 2021. Cursa sus primeros estudios en Bilbao, licenciándose en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Obtiene el grado de alférez de complemento (IMEC) en la Academia Militar de Intendencia (Ávila) sirviendo en el Grupo Regional de Intendencia de Canarias (Tenerife). Terminando sus cursos de doctorado se incorpora como director administrativo y financiero en el sector químico. Obtiene la Venia Docendi en el Departamento de Estructura Económica de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Complutense. Auditor-fiscal (REA) por la Escuela de Economía (Colegio de Economistas-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Se doctora por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (1988). Profesor en la Universidad de California en Berkeley (Estados Unidos, 1993-94). Máster en Dirección y Gestión de la Administración Pública. Director hasta 2000 del Departamento de Economía Mundial de la Universidad CEU San Pablo, siendo luego director de los Cursos de Verano de dicha universidad hasta 2008. Analista económico de EXPANSIÓN (1994-97). Profesor de la Escuela Diplomática del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España (1995-2005). Investigador asociado de la Atlas Economic Research Foundation, (Washington), ha participado o dirigido en numerosos proyectos de investigación. Ha impartido cursos de postgrado y doctorado en las universidades del Turabo y del Este (Puerto Rico), Sergio Arboleda (Colombia), e impartido conferencias y sesiones como profesor invitado –entre otras- en la Mainz University (Alemania), Vajxo (Suecia), así como en los cursos de Estado Mayor y CESEDEN. Colaborador del Boletín de Información Comercial Española, BICE, y de la Revista de Economía del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Comercio de España. Catedrático de Económica Aplicada. Ha dirigido el Grupo de Investigación sobre Emprendimiento de las Fundaciones MAPFRE-FIL. Ex-vocal asesor de economía y turismo de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Madrid (1999-2002) y de la Consejería de Empleo de la citada Comunidad (2006-2011), así como consejero titular del Consejo Escolar de la misma (2011-15). En el sector bancario internacional es nombrado CEO entre 2008 y 2016, siendo luego elegido presidente de la Asociación de Representantes de Banca Extranjera en España, AERBE, de la que actualmente sigue siendo vicepresidente, así como miembro del Consejo Editorial de El Economista, habiéndolo sido de El Debate así como –entre otras- de las revistas UNISCI Journal, Unidad de Investigación sobre Seguridad y Cooperación Internacional, Revista Española del Pacífico, o Estudios Africanos. Ha dirigido la colección universitaria de la Editorial Universitas. Colabora en la elaboración del “Consenso Económico” de Price-Waterhouse-Cooper, PwC, que trimestralmente analiza la evolución de la economía española e internacional. Colaborador de distintos medios de comunicación como Diario 16, ABC, El País, o el Grupo COPE, es miembro del Jurado de los Premios anuales de Economía del Grupo A-3 Media-La Razón. Entre sus últimas publicaciones: De Isabel II a Felipe VI. El Economista, más de 160 años de la economía de España, editado por Planeta-Deusto, Larramendi: Arquitecto del Seguro moderno (2020), Naturaleza y Causas de la pobreza de las naciones: Estructura y mercados internacionales (2018). Otras publicaciones son Mercado de trabajo e inmigración y Agua, trasvases y medio ambiente: Estímulos y crecimiento para la economía española, La economía española: balance y perspectivas del actual ciclo económico.
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Fausto Simões
Audit Court of Angola


Supporting Documents / Presentations


Professor Fausto Tavares de Carvalho Simões was born in Angola on February 17, 1956. He is a mixed economist, completed an MBA / Masters in Management and Strategy at ISEG and a PhD in Management and Strategy at I.S.C.T.E. He has a Post-Doctorate in Finance and Strategy done at UAL. He is Full Professor at the U.A.N. - Universidade Agostinho Neto, where he was Dean of its Faculty of Economics between 2010 and 2015. He is the author of several scientific works published in Angola, Portugal and Brazil. In 2011 in London at King's College London, he chaired a workshop on Entrepreneurship, Science and Technology in the PALOP and in 2014 at St Peter's College, University of Oxford, an International Conference on Angola. Since 2014 he has been Professor of Higher Studies at SEI-Sociedade de Estudios Internacionales / Madrid, whose president is the King of Spain. He has been invited as a lecturer and examiner for Masters, Doctorates and Postdoctoral juries in several national and foreign universities (ISEG —U.L/Portugal., UAL, Federal University of Alagoas/Brazil, Fernando Pessoa University, Porto/Portugal, Lusophone University of Humanities, Lisbon/Portugal, University of Macau, University of Havana, UAL - Autonomous University of Lisbon, UFBA - Federal University of Bahia and PUC-RIO-Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro). Developed consultancy for the European Union, within the scope of the creation program of the IGEF - Public Finance Institute for the PALOP and East Timor, with the task of creating its Institutional Development Plan and Curriculum Plan inserted in the 10th- EDF — European Development Fund. He was Public Manager for 40 years and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Mais. He is the Founder and President of the Order of Economists of Angola and is currently exercising the function of Judge-Counselor of the Court of Auditors of Angola, a position for which he was elected by public tender and took office on the 5th of March 2021.
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Vital do Rêgo Filho
Minister of the Court of Auditors of the Union


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Minister Vital do Rego Filho is currently Vice-President of the Court of Auditors of the Union - Brazil. Minister of the Court since 2014, Vital do Rego holds a degree in Medicine and Law and has an extensive political career. He has been a councillor, deputy and senator. During his time in the Senate, he was president of commissions that dealt with issues of energy (Petrobras), Budget, Public Health, Public Security and water resources (transposition and revitalization of the São Francisco River). In addition, he was rapporteur for important processes regarding Brazilian legislation, such as the Code of Civil Procedure, the Criminal Code and the law that changes the oil royalties sharing model. At the Federal Audit Court, he has taken an active stance in favor of streamlining the court's activities.