Environmental Education Workshop on Integrated Fire Management

D. Maria Room
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
6:15 PM - 7:45 PM


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Mrs. Thainan Bornato

Speaker: Educational materials for the protection of biodiversity affected by wildfire.


Thainan Bornato graduatted at Environmental Management from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, with a specialization in Restoration, Adaptation and Environmental Licensing from the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. Worked with environmental protections areas at Forestion Foundation, São Paulo, from 2012 to 2016, and now she has been working at Brazilian Institute of Environmental and Renewable Natural Resourches -IBAMA since 2016, in Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pantanal biome, developing activities focused on environmental education and integrated fire management, currently at PREVFOGO.
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Thaís Fernandes


Supporting Documents / Presentations


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Ana Rosa Marques
Ibama / Uema

Speaker: Environmental Education Strategies for Integrated Fire Management


Graduated in Geography from the University of Sorocaba, with Specialization in Training of Environmental Educators at Unesp de Botucatu/SP, Master in Education for Science Unesp/Bauru/SP, PhD in Geography Unesp/Presidente Prudente/SP. Adjunct Professor III of the Geography course/State University of Maranhão and Environmental Analyst at IBAMA/Maranhão. He has been working in the PREVFOGO/MA Fire Prevention and Fighting Program since 2020, developing preventive actions related to environmental education for the integrated management of fire in indigenous lands.
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Sr. Ricardo Augusto de Souza Ayres Lopes
Federal Employee
Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis

Speaker: Environmental Education Workshop on Integrated Fire Management: a successful experience.

Supporting Documents / Presentations


He was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil and grew up in the capital, Brrasília, DF. Graduated in Oceanology and Philosophy, Master in Philosophical Ethics. He works at the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources - Ibama since 2005, in the areas of environmental education; at the Corporate Education Center; at the National Center for Environmental Information; and since 2017, at the National Center for the Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires - Prevfogo, developing environmental education actions within the scope of integrated fire management with traditional indigenous and quilombola communities, and agrarian reform settlements.