Session 22 - Brand 2

Room B2.01 - Strategic Marketing
Monday, June 24, 2024
14:00 - 15:30


Fabiana Araujo Avellar
Escola Superior De Propaganda E Marketing

The contribution of the creative economy in generating value for ESG branding promoted by Brazilian asset management companies

Extended Abstract

Full Paper

Alessandra Ricci
Sda Bocconi


Extended Abstract

This paper delves into the transformative potential of Giardini di Villa della Pergola, an esteemed and awarded historic garden in Italy, as a strategic marketing tool for the rebranding strategy of the city of Alassio with a focus on understanding the strategies in shifting Alassio's traditional perception as a mere beach resort image towards a multifaceted destination encompassing wellness, cultural richness, and environmental sustainability. By highlighting the gardens as a cornerstone attraction, Alassio can enforce its brand identity as a cultural and green destination, attracting a diverse array of cultural tourists seeking experiences beyond the typical beach getaway. These discerning travelers are drawn to enriching experiences that seamlessly blend relaxation with cultural immersion and environmental engagement. Giardini di Villa della Pergola play a pivotal role in attracting cultural tourists, who are inherently drawn to destinations offering authentic historical, artistic, and cultural experiences (Richards, 2008). These gardens provide a unique combination of historical narratives, natural beauty, and cultural exchange, deepening visitors' connection with Alassio's heritage and identity. This aligns with the city's objective to expand its tourism season and diversify its offerings. Such efforts demonstrate the successful collaboration between the public and private sectors in strengthening city branding.

Historic landmarks and cultural heritage sites play a crucial role in the revitalization of urban areas. They highlight the distinct character and atmosphere of a place, nurturing a sense of community and belonging among its inhabitants (Lak et al., 2020). As such, heritage tourism acts as a significant driver in urban regeneration, adopting various strategies. It shapes the development of cultural policies, targets heritage tourists within urban areas, transforms everyday historical features into attractions, utilizes place branding strategies, and supports cooperative management approaches (Lak et al., 2020; Brebbia et al., 2017; Timothy, 2014). Historically, tourism and culture have been profoundly connected, with cultural attractions consistently serving as key motivators for travel. The act of traveling itself contributes to the evolution of culture, a dynamic increasingly recognized as 'cultural tourism' (Richards, 2018). Tourism centered on cultural heritage explores the unique cultural attributes of a region, including its way of life, historical background, artistic expressions, architectural landmarks, religious practices, and other elements that define the region's identity, thereby enriching the travel experience (Richards, 2008; Timothy, 2011).

The academic research on tourism marketing and management concerning Italian Gardens, is relatively sparse. Benfield (2013) underscores this lack of in-depth knowledge, highlighting a notable gap in scholarly investigation despite the popularity and significance of garden tourism. Consequently, the exploration of gardens as a strategic instrument for city rebranding is still in its early stages of study. While the idea of using cultural heritage as a branding tool for cities is well-documented in city branding literature, there is a notable lack of research specifically focusing on the unique context of historic and botanical gardens within this domain. City branding, an essential tool for urban development and tourism marketing, involves creating a unique identity for a city that resonates with potential visitors.

This study employs a case study methodology to explore the potential of revitalizing urban areas through cultural heritage-based tourism and strategic rebranding, focusing on the historic Giardini di Villa della Pergola in Alassio, Italy. By examining this specific instance, the study aims to gain broader insights into urban revitalization strategies. The case study approach incorporates a variety of data sources, including a review of existing literature, historical records, and policy documents related to cultural heritage tourism and strategic rebranding. Additionally, field studies and observations, along with semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders such as policymakers, garden visitors, and the owner, provide diverse perspectives on the garden’s significance and its impact on urban renewal. The choice of a case study methodology is particularly apt for this research, given its ability to offer in-depth insights into scenarios that are crucial, representative, or unique, and in highlighting specific trends and challenges. This multidisciplinary approach, combining historical, cultural, and policy analysis, enables a comprehensive understanding of the garden's historical significance, its current impact on the community and tourism, and its potential role in Alassio's future development.

For the past 70 years, Alassio, a small city on the west coast of Liguria, has been predominantly recognized for its beach tourism, attracting visitors with its scenic coastline and leisurely seaside lifestyle. However, in recent years, Alassio has embarked on a strategic shift towards sustainable tourism, focusing on wellbeing, green initiatives, and cultural experiences. Giardini di Villa della Pergola have emerged as a crucial element in this rebranding effort, standing as a beacon of historical, cultural, and botanical significance. This study explores the gardens' evolution, restoration, and lasting impact on Alassio's socio-economic landscape against the backdrop of the Italian Riviera's rich history and its role in the Grand Tour. In today's era of sustainable tourism, the gardens exemplify environmental stewardship and cultural preservation. Their role in rebranding Alassio as a 'green' destination aligns with contemporary values of sustainability and environmental responsibility, marking the city's transition towards a more sustainable and culturally rich tourism model. By highlighting the gardens as a key attraction, Alassio reinforces its identity as a cultural and green destination, appealing to a diverse range of cultural tourists seeking enriching experiences that blend relaxation with cultural and environmental engagement. Giardini di Villa della Pergola play a vital role in attracting cultural tourists, who are often drawn to destinations offering authentic historical, artistic, and cultural experiences (Richards, 2008). The gardens offer a unique combination of historical narrative, natural beauty, and cultural exchange, enhancing the tourist experience. Furthermore, the gardens are not just a testament to the past but a symbol of the future. Their role extends beyond their physical and historical presence. Strategic press releases and features in international magazines, newspapers, and television programs have elevated Alassio's global profile. This media exposure has not only showcased the unique beauty and cultural significance of the Giardini di Villa della Pergola but has also cast Alassio in the spotlight as a dynamic and culturally rich destination.

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Brebbia, C. A., & Galiano-Garrigos, A. (Eds.). (2016). Urban regeneration & sustainability. WIT press.
Lak, A., Gheitasi, M., & Timothy, D. J. (2020). Urban regeneration through heritage tourism: Cultural policies and strategic management. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 18(4), 386-403.
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Timothy, D. J. (2011). Cultural heritage and tourism: An introduction. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
Timothy, D. J. (2014). Contemporary cultural heritage and tourism: Development issues and emerging trends. Public Archaeology, 13(1–3), 30–47.