Plenary Session & Opening Speech (Main Auditorium)

Room C1.03 - Consumer Behaviour
Room C2.01 - Consumer Behaviour
Room B2.01 - Strategic Marketing
Room C1.04 - Strategic Management
Room B1.04 - Strategic Management
Room D1.05 - Finance Gouv. Eco
Room C2.02 - HR OB
Room C3.01 - Entrepreneurship
Room D1.07 - CCI
Room B2.02 - Cultural Policy
Room C3.02 - Cultural Policy
Monday, June 24, 2024
9:30 - 10:30


- Prof. Maria Lurdes Rodrigues, Reitora ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - Prof. Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Paris, co-chairman of AIMAC Scientific Committee - Prof. Alexandra Fernandes, ISCTE – IUL, Co-Chair of Organizing Committee.
