Poster Session 2

Big Hall
Thursday, June 6, 2024
15:45 - 16:30


Ayu Paramudita
Statistics Indonesia

Machine Learning for Enhanced Estimation of Palm Oil Production: A Comparative Analysis of Random Forest and K-Nearest Neighbor

Ms Christine Ning
Statistics Austria

Imputation and nowcast of highest educational attainment: Combining professional knowledge and machine learning techniques

Presentation file

Ms Annalisa Lucarelli

Improving the quality of seasonal adjustment process: an Italian case study based on per capita hours worked official indicator

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Mr Iván Pérez-plaza Cuellar
Statistics Spain

Enhancing economic statistics quality by addressing large multinationals data through a Large Cases Unit (LCU)


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Servete Muriqi
Kosovo Agency of Statistics

The usage of R programme for official statistics


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MS Vasiliki Sarantidou
ELSTAT (Hellenic Statistical Authority)

A new prediction model for GDP using Granger lag causality and partial correlation


Håvard Hungnes
Statistics Norway

A multivariate composite estimator for the Labour Force Survey

Mr Jordi Galter
Statistician Project Manager
Statistical Institute of Catalonia

Measuring and monitoring the sustainability of tourism at the regional level: Catalonia’s tourism sustainability indicators project.


Presentation file

Ms Ana Maria Miranda Ligüerzana
Eustat (Basque Statistics Institute)

Marital status based on administrative records in the 2021 Population and Housing Census in the Basque Country

Presentation file

Mrs. Aigul Zharkynbaeva
National Statistics Committee

Use of international standards for the development of the National Quality Management Framework


Paul-henri Nguema Meye

Opportunity to improve national statistical systems in Africa by promoting quality

Ms Ana Cánovas Zapata
Statistics Spain

Peer learning in Africa: a partnership for statistical capacity building


Presentation file

Ms Natasha Cenova
State Statistical Office

The implementation of a data culture, and the ethics of data use


Dr Haidy Mahmoud
Senior Statistician
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics

Impact of the Application of Total Quality Standards‎ on the development of official statistics’‎


Presentation file

Dr Dirk Hillebrandt
KBA - Federal Motor Transport Authority

Statistical Process Control and official statistics – The case of the Central Register of Driving Licenses in Germany

Mrs Darja Lavtar
National Institute Of Public Health

Automated identification of potential interviewer-related errors in national mixed-mode surveys

Mr Ivan Spasovski
Junior Associate
State Statistical Office

Timeliness and punctuality in the State Statistical Office


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