Plenary Session: "The challenge of artificial intelligence and its application to official statistics"

Thursday, June 6, 2024
16:30 - 18:00


Artificial intelligence is introducing a multiplicity of opportunities and challenges in various dimensions and areas of society but also in citizens daily basis decisions. For some this is a well-known world, for others it is still an ongoing process of learning and adaptation. The application to Official Statistics, in some dimensions of AI is still an open question that deserves reflection. This presentation reflects the new potential in terms of creating (statistical) information, but also the possible negative effects via disinformation and behaviour manipulation, as well as ethical aspects.


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Mr. Athanasios C. Thanopoulos
President of ELSTAT / Member of the Q2024 Scientific Committee / Chair of the Partnership Group of the ESSC



Athanasios C. Thanopoulos is the President of the Hellenic Statistical Authority since 2016 and the Chairman of the Partnership Group of the European Statistical System (elected in July 2022). He is also a member (appointed by the ESSC) of the ESAC.
He has studied at the University of Athens, the Toulouse School of Economics and the University of Pittsburgh.
Before being selected by an international selection committee of experts to lead the Hellenic Statistical Authority, he was a University teacher and professional researcher for more than 15 years teaching economics, econometrics and statistics in the USA, Greece and France.
He also served as an adviser on bank resolution, social insurance and public debt sustainability analysis with the Greek Council of Economic Advisers while he participated as an expert in the negotiations of Greece’s three economic adjustment programs on critical policy areas such as statistical governance, social security, pharmaceutical expenditure, public debt sustainability.
His scientific research spans over a wide range of topics such as DSGE models, public debt dynamics, social insurance reform, statistical governance, data analytics, statistical literacy and appears in prestigious international refereed scientific journals in economics, statistics data analytics and computer science such as the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Applied Computing and Informatics, Remote Sensing, Statistical Journal of the IAOS, among others.
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Mr. Alípio Jorge
Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto (UP)



Alípio M. Jorge is full professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto. He is the coordinator of LIAAD, the Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Lab of INESC TEC. He holds a PhD in Computer Science by U. Porto, MSc. on Foundations of Advanced Information Technology by the Imperial College and BSc. in Applied Maths and Computer Science (U. Porto). His research interests are Data Mining and Machine Learning, in particular natural language processing (NLP), recommender systems, association rules, web intelligence and information extraction. He was Vice-President of APPIA the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence. He is currently sherpa on AI for Portugal at the European Commission and was the coordinator of the Portuguese Strategy for Artificial Intelligence released in 2019.