Closing Plenary Session: "Communicating official statistics in the present data ecosystem"

Friday, June 7, 2024
12:40 - 14:00


Communicating official statistics has always been a challenge throughout the years. And today maybe more than ever! A rapid changing environment of a society driven by the power of data demands a quick response from those responsible for Official Statistics. What type of challenges does the present data ecosystem bring to National statistics offices and Other Statistical Authorities, which are different from the last decade? In which communication topics should we focus on? And, how satisfied are the various types of users of official statistics with respect to quality? Learning from each other is essential, considering new players in data environments. What should our common goals and paths be? In the closing session we will debate these and other challenges, wrapping up 2,5 days journey of discussions and sharing of best practices in official statistics.


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Mr. Jean-Pierre Poncelet
Director of Standards; Dissemination; Cooperation in the ESTAT.B/ Member of the Q2024 Scientific Committee



Mr Jean-Pierre Poncelet has a long experience in European statistics, having held various positions in Eurostat over the last 15 years.
He was assistant to Eurostat’s Director General for about 5 years before being appointed Head of Unit in charge of Government Finance Statistics and Quality.
Jean-Pierre was then Head of Unit in charge of statistics for administrative purposes in Eurostat, providing the Commission services with key figures relating to GNI and VAT Own Resources, as well as to Pensions and Remuneration of EU Staff.
He was appointed Director of the Standards Dissemination and Cooperation in the ESS as of 16th July 2023. He is also Acting Head of Unit in charge of Strategy and programming; ESS governance.
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Mr. Stephen Mac Feely
Director Director of Data and Analytics at the World Health Organization (WHO)



Steve MacFeely is the Director of Data and Analytics at the World Health Organization, based in Geneva, Switzerland and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Economics at University College Cork in Ireland. 
He is co-chair of the Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the UN System (CCS-UN) and of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA), chairs the Advisory Boards of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS, the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP), and the UN Productive Capacity Index Statistical and Technical Advisory Group.
Before joining WHO, Steve was Chief Statistician at UNCTAD. Prior to joining the UN, he was the Deputy Director-General at the Central Statistics Office (CSO) in Ireland.
In August, Steve will take up a new position as Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics at OECD in Paris.
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Mr. Dominik Rozkrut
Statistics Poland



Dominik Rozkrut has been the President of Statistics Poland since 2016. Dr. Rozkrut is a member of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC). He was elected as a member of ESS Partnership Group (PG) for 2018-2019 and chaired the work of the group in 2020-2021. Recently he was also involved in the PG TF on ESS Innovations and ESS work of the PG TF on revision of the European statistical law.
In 2021-22 he served as a member of the European Commission expert group on Facilitating the Use of New Data Sources for Official Statistics.
He is a member of the OECD Committee on Statistics and Statistics Policy (CSSP) and served as CSSP Bureau Vice-Chair (2020-2023). Moreover, he is a member of the UNECE Conference of European Statisticians (CES) and holds a Conference Bureau Vice-Chair function as well as participates in the work of UNECE High-Level Group on Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS).
At the UN level, he represents Poland in the UN Statistical Commission. He also works in the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics (UN-CEBD), co-chairs the UN Data Stewardship Working Group and is engaged in data stewardship work at European level within UNECE Task Force on Data Stewardship. Since 2021 he represents the Region of Eastern Europe in the UN High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (HLG-PCCB).
Starting from 2021 he became a member of the ISI-Committee on Agricultural Statistics (ISI-CAS).
In 2021, he was nominated for 2021-2023 as the President-Elect and 2023-2025 as the President of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS).
Dr. Rozkrut's career began at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the University of Szczecin. At the same time, he also worked as a member of a market risk management team at a commercial bank. He joined official statistics in 2007 and served as Director of a regional branch, acting as project manager for numerous research and development projects. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Szczecin, where he received his Ph.D. in statistics and econometrics.
He completed an internship at the University of Massachusetts, Lappeenranta University of Technology, and UNU-MERIT in Maastricht. Dr. Rozkrut is a member of the Main Council of the Polish Statistical Association, member of the Committee of Statistics and
Econometrics and the Committee on Demographic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
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Ms. Jūratė Petrauskienė
Director-General of Statistics Lithuania / Host of the last Quality Conference (Q2022) / Member of the Q2024 Scientific



Dr. Jūratė Petrauskienė is Director General of Statistics Lithuania since November 2019 (since 2023 Statistics Lithuania. State Data Agency). She graduated from Vilnius University with a Master’s degree in Statistics and in 2011 obtained her PhD in Mathematics. She has been working in Statistics Lithuania since 2004, responsible for different domains of statistics: prices, quality management, development of new methods and technologies for production of official and experimental statistics, new data sources, implementation of GSBPM and successive reorganization of processes and the Organizational structure in the office. She is a deputy Chair of the Board of the Lithuanian Statistical Union. Under her leadership the new Law on statistics was initiated which attributed Statistics Lithuania also the role of a data steward in the country.

Dr. Jūratė Petrauskienė is an active member of the European Statistical System – for the period of 2021–2022 she was a member of the Partnership Group, since 2023 she has been appointed a member of the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC) representing the ESSC. On the international scale, Dr. Jūratė Petrauskienė takes an active part with presentations, moderating and chairing discussions in various fora on the most topical issues for the statistical community. She is a Chair of the Scientific Programme of the 2024 IAOS conference in Mexico.
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Ms. Raquel Albuquerque
PT Data journalist from Expresso newspaper



Raquel Albuquerque has a degree in Communication Sciences from the NOVA University of Lisbon, she studied in Belgium for six months and has a master's degree in International Relations from St Andrews University, Scotland. She worked in the newspaper Público with a research grant in Computational Journalism, for two years, as part of a project funded by FCT [Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology] and the University of Texas in Austin. She joined Expresso in April 2014 in the Data Journalism field. Raquel coordinates Expresso's data team and has a postgraduate degree in Information Visualisation.
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Mr. Gallo Gueye



Gallo Gueye is Deputy Director-General of Eurostat.
He was previously Director for Social Statistics of Eurostat.
Gallo joined Eurostat in 1995 to deal with national accounts methodology and own resource statistics for the EU Budget. He then worked on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics. As Head of unit, as from 2006, he has been responsible for national accounts and principal European economic indicators. In particular, he has been responsible for the development of the new European System of Accounts (ESA 2010).
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Ms. Maria João Zilhão
Statistics Portugal



Maria João is member of the Board of Statistics Portugal (INE) since January 2018, after having served as the Director of the Planning, Control and Quality Unit at INE, since 2007. She started working at INE as a statistician in economic agriculture statistics in 1990. She has been involved in Quality Management at the ESS since 1999, being member of several groups and having participated in the LEG on Quality and on the Sponsorship on Quality. She has also been involved in the preparation of European quality tools such as the ESS QAF, the revision of the European Statistics Code of Practice and in the methodology of the Peer Review exercises. She has been a trainer in the field of quality in statistics at ESS level since 2001 and has also experience in international cooperation in the area of systematic quality management. She has chaired the Council Working Party on Statistics in 2021, during the Portuguese Presidency of the EU. She is actively involved in the current round of Peer Reviews in the ESS, chairing one of the teams of Peer Review Experts. She has been a member of the Programme Committee for several editions of the European Quality Conference.